hint: reload the page for a new background

Lines 02

Another trembling step into the wide, wide world of generative art; an image that draws itself.

Inspired by, among others:

Designed to create smoother transitions between the colors than its predecessor, lines01. This sometimes works, and sometimes doesn't, as you can probably see above. An explanation of the process can be found to the left.


  1. pick a random color
  2. paint the canvas with a line this color
  3. pick another color, based on the first, that is a random (but limited) distance away from the first
  4. paint the canvas with a line of this new color
  5. pick another color, based on the second, that is a random (but limited) distance away from the second
  6. paint the canvas with a line of this new color
  7. repeat, until you've gone the desired number of steps (in this case, the width of the canvas)

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