Hint: Reload the page for a new set of lines.


The image you see above, which is hopefully a very nice-looking series of colors, is generated automagically by the server every time you visit (or reload) this page. Try hitting the "Refresh" or "Reload" button on your web browser to get a brand new image.

This builds on previous work here at Humor Tree. It is basically just a refinement of the Lines 02 project.


If you would like one of these images as a desktop background or wallpaper, Enter your screen resolution in the form below. If you don't like the image you get at first, just refresh the page until you find one you like.


How the colors are chosen

  1. Pick a random color
  2. Draw a line with that color
  3. Pick a new random color a limited "distance" from the first
  4. Return to step 2

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